SALE, SALE, SALE! Don’t miss out on this fantastic discounted offer!
Posted by Cristal Opacic on
This week we highlight our Vitalité Dead Sea products.
The Dead Sea has attracted visitors from around the Mediterranean basin for thousands of years. It was one of the world's first health resorts (for Herod the Great), and it has been the supplier of a wide variety of products, from asphalt for Egyptian mummification to potash for fertilizers. Layers of mineral-rich mud and minerals has created the Earth’s largest natural spa in the Dead Sea. Used in cosmetics and skin care, these natural minerals work to improve cell metabolism, while helping the body to absorb nourishment and eliminate toxins.
Vitalité products contain Vitamins A and E, providing the skin with extra hydration and leaving the skin soft, supple and smooth. Add the unique qualities of Dead Sea minerals to your skin care range!
Use the refreshing Vitalité Salt Scrub to exfoliate and moisturize your skin and remove impurities. Our deep cleaning scrub cleans the skin and unclogs pores, allowing skin to breathe while enjoying the long-lasting moisturizing effect of the Dead Sea's minerals. Contains 100% natural Dead Sea salts with over 26 minerals vital to skin health and moisture balance.
We are proud to stock a variety of Vitalité Dead Sea products. Our range includes: Eye Cream, Shampoo, Body Cream, Bath Salts, Foot Cream, Hand Cream, Mud Masks, Mineral Soap and Black Mud Soap NOW ON SALE!